Friday, November 5, 2010

Stephen King a Biography By Albert Rolls

Stephen King a Biography
Albert Rolls

“What king lacked in social confidence, he made up for with his belief in himself as a writer. Even during his first years his first years, he saw himself as a famous writer and he thought he could make money at it....”
I feel this idea, confidence, and drive really push Stephen King to become who he is now. I feel his lacked of social skills really helped him become at one with himself and bring out that dark side in him. His confidence really helped him a lot that’s what made him believe in himself. It’s what made him want to keep on writing, even if people told him he wasn’t any good. I feel this quote really captures the focus of the book.

There was a few connections that I drew between the book, to my life, and the world. To begin I myself I’m a writer, poetry above all. Although I don’t lack in social confidence, I sometime find myself out of place with my friends and I question who I really ham and that is when I am able to write my poetry. As well I see some people at my school that don’t fit into “ clicks” that have talents for gaming, reading ,or testing, and you would never expected them to be able to do that. Another connection that I feel I can really relate to is when King bought the radio station. I feel this way because King got the station and it was something new for him, which show it he isn’t scared of trying something new. For me the first time I got my very own dirt bike. I have never tried anything like it but I went in with both feet on the ground and excelled in it. The connections that I have made with this book go on beyond the walls of my school or my room. They’re intertwined with my thoughts. For example my ability to think outside of the box, like Kings ability to think about writing topics that no other write is capable of. When I write my poems I think about topics that I haven’t read by other writes.


This image of Stephen King really capture who he really is. One it shows him as a monster,  which is what he’s most know for, creating monster that scared you, and imprints in image in your mine that makes you remember him. The 100.3 just demonstrates he’s involvement in his radio life. I feel the font added to the impacted this image has on your eyes. At the station King would host the show and have talks with real people on the air.

 I don’t really have questions about this writing, but if I were to talk to King face to face I would ask him why only horror? As well as do you enjoy watching you own creations. Another question would be, if he could start all over would he continue on the same path as he did the first time, if he could change something what would it be. I feel King would do it the same but in a faster matter. Meaning he wouldn’t take a long time with writing book, for instance in one year he only had one book publish but filmed like 3 movies. I believe he would try to output an equal amount of product. Another thing would be that he would want to own the radio station sooner. If I were to have a seminar on this book I feel there would be a multiples of questions regarding this reading. A guiding question for the seminar could be, what where Kings motives for writing, what he wrote. I feel the seminar would help reader and I understand why King does what he does. Like why he wrote about a car that kills people or why he made a movie on animals that live in the ground and also kill you.    

Over all I feel this book was ok. It was rather boring but it did capture the life of Stephen King really well. I really like how it started out from his beginning, it was like a time line. I also liked how the author mentioned this family life as well. My only dislike was that it was a bit boring as I mention earlier. I would recommend this book to all Stephen king’s fan, and all who want to read a well written biography. The book on King really made a world of differences for me. I liked how Rolls really researched King life then dug even more to find all the little dirt thing on King. The writing style of the author should of matched that of King to make a stronger connection, in my opinion.