Monday, December 6, 2010

the stand by stephen king


The Stand is a realistic story of a plague that hit America, killing thousands of people. There are some survives, cross the country. They survived because they were immune to the virus. I founded the central point to be,
Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home.
I found this quote summed up the whole story because, the whole book the “Good” people where trying to save the human rise by starting fresh without any sins.  But there’s this evil lucking waiting to claim another victim. The good people travel to Colorado in search of other survivors, they make it and there is a final battle between god and the dark man. 
Some connections that I make to this book would have to be friendship, believes, and learning to deal with whatever life throws at you. The Stand is a book about human nature. It shows 
people's inclination toward good or evil. Mostly, it shows how it is in man's nature to build society and to fight for his beliefs.

The Stand is a realistic story of a plague that hit America, killing thousands of people. There are some survives, cross the country. They survived because they were immune to the virus. I founded the central point to be,
Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home.
I found this quote summed up the whole story because, the whole book the “Good” people where trying to save the human rise by starting fresh without any sins.  But there’s this evil lucking waiting to claim another victim. The good people travel to Colorado in search of other survivors, they make it and there is a final battle between god and the dark man. 
Some connections that I make to this book would have to be friendship, believes, and learning to deal with whatever life throws at you. The Stand is a book about human nature. It shows 
people's inclination toward good or evil. Mostly, it shows how it is in man's nature to build society and to fight for his beliefs.

I feel this photo  visually represents the book because in the ground you can see how the virus has impacted the city and well and you also a man standing there and as if to say what has happened to my beloved country.   

I don’t really have questions about this writing, but if I were to talk to King face to face I would ask him why only horror? As well as do you enjoy watching you own creations. Another question would be, if he could start all over would he continue on the same path as he did the first time, if he could change something what would it be. I feel King would do it the same but in a faster matter. Meaning he wouldn’t take a long time with writing book, for instance in one year he only had one book publish but filmed like 3 movies. I believe he would try to output an equal amount of product. If I were to have a seminar on this book I feel there would be a multiples of questions regarding this reading. A guiding question for the seminar could be, what were Kings motives for writing, what he wrote. I feel the seminar would help reader and I understand why King does what he does. Like why he wrote about a car that kills people or why he made a movie on animals that live in the ground that also kill you.     
Overall I feel this book was rather good. It had some real aspect to it. While reading this book I felt it was a fast read. The rising action kept me on my feet. This book shows the good and evil in people. I felt I could relate to this book because I feel I’m always fighting the good and evil in me. This book is a most read for all.
I feel this photo  visually represents the book because in the ground you can see how the virus has impacted the city and well and you also a man standing there and as if to say what has happened to my beloved country.   

I don’t really have questions about this writing, but if I were to talk to King face to face I would ask him why only horror? As well as do you enjoy watching you own creations. Another question would be, if he could start all over would he continue on the same path as he did the first time, if he could change something what would it be. I feel King would do it the same but in a faster matter. Meaning he wouldn’t take a long time with writing book, for instance in one year he only had one book publish but filmed like 3 movies. I believe he would try to output an equal amount of product. If I were to have a seminar on this book I feel there would be a multiples of questions regarding this reading. A guiding question for the seminar could be, what were Kings motives for writing, what he wrote. I feel the seminar would help reader and I understand why King does what he does. Like why he wrote about a car that kills people or why he made a movie on animals that live in the ground that also kill you.     
Overall I feel this book was rather good. It had some real aspect to it. While reading this book I felt it was a fast read. The rising action kept me on my feet. This book shows the good and evil in people. I felt I could relate to this book because I feel I’m always fighting the good and evil in me. This book is a most read for all.